Sweet Tasting Sugar Facts
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Today on facts list we have some sugar coated facts for you that would leave a sweet taste in your mouth.
Before getting started let’s take a look at how sugar reaches us in a granulated form. There are two main sources from which sugar is formed one is beet root known as beet sugar and the other one is acquired from sugar cane. In both the cases the juice is extracted and then undergoes processing. To purify the juice it is carbonatated and finally evaporated to give the clear sugar crystals.
If we look back into ancient times we will get to know that I was produced for the first time in India way back in 500BC. The native people of India used to extract the juice of sugar cane and cooled it in large bowls to get its crystallized form. These sugar crystals were easier to preserve and transported to various regions.

Sugar was first time produced in India back in 500BC
Sugar Producing Countries
The largest producers of the sugar in the world are Brazil, India, China, European Union and Thailand. Brazil is also the largest consumer of sugar.
Nutritional Value
Looking for nutritional benefits of sugar? Well, it gives you nothing but empty calories. Unfortunately, during the refining process all the essential vitamins and everything beneficial in it is removed.
How much sugar we are consuming?
On average 30 teaspoons of sugar are consumed by every American per day. This ratio is 3 to 4 times more than what American Heart Association recommends.
It has been suggested that women should not take more than 6 teaspoons of sugar and men should restrict themselves to 9 teaspoons of sugar per day.
Sugar accounts for 496 calories of our daily diet.
Highest source of Sugar
Carbonated drinks are the richest source of sugar as 64 oz of drink contains about 53 teaspoon of sugar. So think twice before drinking one?
You might find Antioxidants in sugar
Although sugar remains empty handed from all the nutrients after a lot of refining, but still there are some types of sugar that contain disease fighting antioxidants. The Journal of the American Dietetic Association states that, “Dark and blackstrap molasses contain the most antioxidants followed by honey, brown sugar and maple syrup”. But still it has been suggested not to count on molasses for your antioxidants and choose fruits and veggies instead.
Do not blame Sugar for Diabetes
It might seem shocking to you but sugar doesn’t cause Diabetes. The other factors like obesity, unhealthy life style and genetics are the major cause of diabetes.
Sugar VS Artificial Sweeteners
So you are trying to cut those calories by substituting artificial sweeteners. Guess what? You are actually making things worse for yourself. A research conducted at Purdue University on animals proved that when they are given artificially sweetened no-calorie food, it made them hungrier and increased their appetite.
So what’s the theory? The artificially sweetened foods do not kill the craving for sugar and as a result you will end up eating more. This is what Gidus has to say, “Eating a caloric snack with an artificially sweetened food or drink — having almonds with your diet soda, for example — may prevent the insulin release that can cause overeating.” If you are still reluctant to use sugar, then use sweeteners made from SweetLeaf or Truvia.
Sugar can Heal Wounds
Try this simple home remedy for healing wounds. It is said that by putting sugar granules on wounds and cuts, it not just reduces pain but also heals them. This is a traditional African tribal remedy and a British scientist won £25000 grants by introducing it. How does it work? Sugar kills the bacteria that causes pain and inhibits the healing process. It is also known to treat bedsores, amputations and leg ulcers.
Sugar as a Beauty Treatment
Sugar can be used as a scrub as it is helpful in the removal of dead skin cells or exfoliation, while giving your skin a natural glow. Just mix some sugar with olive oil and massage on your face for a while, it will also help moisturize your skin and protects it from harmful toxins. It can be used by all skin types.
Sugar improves your Workout
Sugar can cause Aging
Taking too much sugar can cause low –level inflammation which results in overdriven aging process. A dermatologist named Nicholas Perricone states, “Sugar attaches to collagen — a complexion-protecting protein — and breaks it down, which leads to wrinkles and sagging.”
Sugar is Addictive
The reason why you can’t give up on sugary foods is that they can cause addiction. A study conducted in New Zealand proves that sugary cereals and other sugar containing products have addictive qualities like that of addictive drugs. Just like drugs, the chemicals that activate pleasure receptors of the brain are also present in sugar called opioids and dopamine.
It is suggested that whenever you feel the addiction eat sweet fruits or find other sweet natural sources.